Hello and welcome to Ground Punch’s round-up of all the latest DC Film and TV news from San-Diego Comic-Con 2016. Below you will find trailers, posters, and all the latest information DC announced from this year’s comic con. Due to the nature of these announcements, those not up-to-date on DC films and TV shows should be wary of spoilers.
Click here for our round up of every MARVEL announcement.
NOTE: This article will be updated with fresh details and trailers as they announce.
LAST UPDATE: 24/07/2016 @ 5:35AM BST
Wonder Woman
DC Comics revealed the first trailer for their much anticipated upcoming movie, Wonder Woman. The action heavy trailer shows Gal Gadot in a number of epic fight scenes, and gives up a brief glimpse at her character’s relationship with co-star Chris Pine (Staring as Steve Trevor).
In addition to the first trailer for Wonder Woman, Gal Gadot debuted the film’s official poster via her , commenting; “A dream come true! Happy to finally share this with you all”. Wonder Woman will hit theaters next year, starting from 2nd June.

Justice League
Following the reveal of the first trailer for Wonder Woman, DC also debuted the first footage for Justice League. The trailer shows Batman (Ben Affleck) and Wonder Woman (Gal Gadot) assembling a team of “people with special abilities”. While the trailer is a little less than sparse when it comes to the action, it does at least gives us the most extended look at Aqua Man, Flash, and Cyborg to date.
At the same panel, Warner Bros. also revealed the first official photo for Justice League. The photo puts Henry Cavill’s Superman front and centre, despite being absent from the above trailer. Naturally this raises to questions with regards to the character’s role (And appearance) in the film, given that he died in Batman Vs Superman. One element that does appear clear is that Superman will be taking a back seat to Batman, at least for the first act of the film.

During Arrow’s Comic-Con panel, the first trailer for the fifth season of the show was debuted. The trailer shows Oliver attempting to build a new Team Arrow, consisting of Evelyn Sharp, Wild Dog, and Curtis Holt. The villain for season 5 was revealed to be Prometheus. However, fans expecting to see Grant Morrison’s character to appear on the small screen will be disappointed, with Prometheus being a new character designed specifically for the TV show.
Season 5 will bring Arrow it’s 100th episode, which will air during the four episode crossover between Arrow, Legends of Tomorrow, The Flash, and Supergirl. Finally, the return of Katie Cassidy was announced at the show’s panel, who will be starting in the season’s premier episode. Cassidy has now been promoted to a series regular across Arrow, Legends of Tomorrow, and The Flash, allowing her to star on all three shows as required, although what role(s) she will fulfill is as of yet unknown; “Katie Cassidy will not be disappearing from this universe” [Wendy Mericle, Executive Producer, Arrow]
Arrow Season 5 will debut later this year, 5th October, on The CW.
The Flash
Today the first trailer for The Flash Season 3 was debuted at the show’s panel. The trailer shows some of the effects Barry has unleashed on the world, following his decision to go back in time and save his mother. While he achieved his first-most intention of securing his parents safety, Joe no longer sees Barry as a friend, yet alone the son he never had, and several of his previous friends have no knowledge of him. For example, Iris and Cisco, with Cisco now the head of Ramon Industries, a company that has made him the richest man in America. One can only imagine at what effects Barry may also have reaped on the rest of the Flarrowverse, although hazarding a guess, Cassidy’s return (See Arrow section above) is one.
Also showcased is Wally West in costume, although not in action. Suspiciously missing from the trailer are Harrison Wells and Killer Frost, despite both actors retaining their status’ as series regulars. The trailer teases Dr. Alchemy, who appears to be the main villain for season 3, though a new speedster is also teased. The Flash will return to The CW 4th October.
Legends of Tomorrow
During the panel for Legend’s of Tomorrow, new details were revealed for both; the heroes that will make up the Justice Society of America, and the villains that will make up the Legion of Doom. In terms of the composition of the latter, it will feature John Barrowman’s Malcolm Merlyn, Wentworth Miller’s Captain Cold, Neal McDonough’s Damien Darhk, and Matt Letscher’s Reverse Flash. Interestingly, Reverse Flash can also be seen heavily featured in The Flash Season 3 trailer (See The Flash section above), and John Barrowman has a revised contract as a series regular on Legends of Tomorrow, The Flash, and Arrow, suggesting he will make several appearances across all three shows.
In terms of the Justice Society of America, Patrick J. Adams will be reprising his role as Rex Tyler, and will be joined by Obsidian, Stargirl, and Dr. Mid-Nite, although none of the aforementioned characters have been cast to date. The season premiere, which will take place on The CW on 13th October, will feature Stephen Amell as Oliver Queen.
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