Later this week, Melbourne becomes a bristling hub of gaming culture as PAX Australia 2017 kicks off on the 27th of October.
Held annually at the Melbourne Convention Centre, the 3-day long event has grown in popularity each year since its 2013 debut. The recently announced schedule is already packed full of fantastic content —especially if you’re a Destiny fan, the joint venture between Bungie and Activision looks set to make the event even more appealing. To celebrate the PC launch of Destiny 2 this week, the publisher will be hosting a puppy play session on Friday, as well as a pop-up ramen restaurant for attendees to dine at.

Looking to raise awareness for the Australian Working Dog Rescue Int. (AWDRI), Bungie and Activision are bringing puppies for PAX attendees to meet and greet on Friday the 27th. You know, .
The AWDRI is a non profit charity organisation that seeks to find homes for working dog breeds, ultimately saving them from euthanization at local pounds and shelters. Having recently celebrated its 10th birthday, the AWDRI has successfully rescued over 10,000 dogs and is already looking for ways to save even more.
Volunteers will be staffing the event and handing out limited edition Destiny 2 branded dog biscuits (for a gold coin donation).

Of course, if puppies aren’t your thing (you monster) then Activision may still have you covered with a Spicy Ramen bar.
In celebration of Cayde-6’s favourite food, the pop-up will be selling three different flavours of ramen inspired by different characters from the game. Partnering with Izakaya and Sake Bar, Akachochin, the eatery will run all weekend on a first come, first serve basis.
For more information on the AWDRI you can visit their site here.
PAX Australia tickets are still available but selling out fast. If you’re interested you can check availability on the official site.
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