DC Comics have announced (via their blog) that Warner Bros TV. have renewed Supergirl for a second season. The show will be moving channels, moving from CBS to The CW; who are currently airing Arrow Season 4, The Flash Season 2, and DC’s Legends of Tomorrow Season 1. Previously there has been a decent volume of cross-over between Arrow, Flash, and Legends of Tomorrow – with inter-connected story lines, character guest stars, and even some characters moving from one show to another – and viewers can expect the same to be true for Supergirl Season 2; “…one can imagine more team-ups with The CW’s other heroes may await in her future, but we’ll have to wait until Season 2 debuts next fall to know for certain.”
Supergirl’s fate was far from certain, with mixed critical reviews, and some pretty severe viewer drop offs. Fingers crossed that The CW will see Supergirl to more fertile pastures.

Author’s Opinion
Supergirl achieved some strong moments in its first season, but had a number of significant flaws, that overall made for a show that had multiple reasons to not watch it. That being said, there’s plenty of unexploited potential, that hopefully The CW will be able to explore. Arrow, Flash and Legends of Tomorrow, are all worthier of your time than Supergirl was in its first season, and hopefully The CW will be able to transfer their expertise.
One of the biggest problems facing Supergirl, was being hampered by attempts to appeal to the CBS audience; relying heavily on unnecessary family drama, boring love triangles, and overworked office drama. Unfortunately the comic/superhero influences were all to often forced to take a back seat, to those of your typical CBS show. While it’s unclear how exactly the production, and writing teams, will be effected by the move, hopefully The CW will be able to push the show closer to its comic book roots. It’s also great to know that Melissa Benoist will be given the opportunity to reprise the character of Supergirl, since her charming, charismatic, and (when the script allowed) poignantly emotional performance, was one the show’s strongest appeal.
One of the most successful episodes of Supergirl, both critically and in terms of viewers (With nearly a 20% increase in viewership when compared to the previous episode) was “World’s Finest”, in which The Flash accidentally traveled to Kara’s Earth, and assisted her in defeating Livewire and Silver Banshee. Hopefully this suggests that Supergirl will achieve more success with The CW audiences, than that of CBS. The Flash has already introduced the concept of multiple earths, but it will be intriguing to see how potential future crossovers will be handled, with Supergirl existing in her own universe.
Overall this should be good news for both Supergirl, and the shows fans, as The CW have already demonstrated their ability to deliver competent, and entertaining, TV adaptations of comic book characters. Not to mention that hopefully, the Supergirl writers will be given more room to explore the source material. With any luck, Supergirl will become a must-watch, as opposed to the easily miss-able first season.
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