PunchCast 1 | Dark Souls 3, Star Fox & PlayStation Neo

Welcome to the inaugural episode of PunchCast, Ground Punch’s flagship gaming podcast where the team shares their week’s playing habits. And no, it’s not in anyway an MMA podcast.

First up, Kevin Atteridg has some upsetting home truths regarding Star Fox 0, everyone tries to recruit Jeremy Winslow onto the Dark Souls train (he’s much happier playing Banner Saga 2 though), Sam Young is having difficulties with the Windows version of Quantum Break, while no consensus can be formed about the prospect of PlayStation Neo (other than everybody is buying it!).


Liam Harvey

Human being, husband, father, British. Optimism and naivety are like two blind children skipping through the unfenced minefield of his mind. He likes sitting, biscuits and laughing—but never at the same time (that would be the height of hedonistic excess)—while the best life advice he's ever received​ was from a box of matches, "Keep away from children. Keep in a dry place. Strike away from the body."

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